This day is National Sports Day

20 march, 2024

Today is the seventh day of March. This day is declared National Sports Day️️. Any holiday that takes place within the country is not complete without national games. The most popular sports events are Baiga, kokpar, aralyspak, Jamby ATU, tengge Hangu, kusbeglik and togyzkumalak, asyk ATU, bow pulling. Thanks to these games, many people will be able to get acquainted with the traditions and customs of our people. Our national sport is not just a competition and competition, it contains the spirit of nomadic life. In the Great Steppe, Strength, Dexterity, the desire for self-improvement, the ability to support loved ones were considered the key to survival and development. In honor of this holiday, students of the 2nd year of the specialty “Computer Engineering” organized an event. Let's not forget that the glorification of our traditions begins with ourselves, with our environment. Today is the history of tomorrow