"May 9 is the Victory of the man and the country"

4 may, 2024

On May 4, 2024, within the framework of    "SDG 4.Quality Education", the lecturers  of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation held an educational  event with  the  first-year foreign students of  "6B02303 –  Foreign Philology (Western Languages)" major  on the topic: "May 9 is   the Victory of the man and the country".

May 9  became a symbol of victory over fascism in  the World War II. May 9 unites all of us in a common sense of pride for our country and our people.

The purpose of the event  was  to teach and form values related to the memory of the war, including patriotism, citizenship and respect for historical heritage. Universities play an important role in preserving and transmitting this memory to the next generations.

During the meeting, the adviser of the group, senior teacher,  Ongarbayeva M.S. showed the  students  the videos and the  presentation materials about the war years and shared historical facts. In turn,  the foreign students told about  how Victory Day is celebrated in Turkmenistan,  honored war veterans and the most famous heroes of the country who took part in the Second World War.

 The students were also shown the content of SDG Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all from the official website https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/ru/sustainable-development-goals/

Quality education should contain  teaching the history of  the World War II, including the Great Patriotic War, and its impact on the  world history. The memory of war helps students understand the value of peace, realize the importance of international solidarity and make commitments in the struggle for peace and security.


Organizers:  Ongarbayeva M.S., Baieli A.Zh.

Venue:  in Room  312  at 15.00 p.m.