The unity of the country is the support of a renewed Kazakhstan

8 may, 2024

On May 08, 2024, the  seminar on the topic of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan: “National Unity – the pillar of a renewed Kazakhstan” was held.  The purpose of the seminar was to discuss the  issues raised at the assembly with the participation of the Head of State, which has become a good tradition on the eve of the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan, and to consider ways to solve them. During the seminar,  the students learned about unity, peace,  our unshakable values. They also talked about the way how to   maintain  this unity and help  improve the geopolitical situation. The  1st year students of  “Turkology” major  and the  1st year master’s degree  students.

Organizers: teacher of the Department of Turkic Studies and Language Theory PhD Dr. Kudyarova Sh.T and 1st year master's student Utegenova B.