An essay competition on the topic “My University”

3 may, 2024

On May 3, 2024, as part of teaching practice, Sustainable Development Goals as part of the implementation of the goal of "quality education" an essay competition on the topic “My University” was organized among students of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. First-year students of all specialties of the Department of Philosophy and Political Science took part in the competition, based on the results of which the best essay was selected. In the essay, students discussed the achievements of our university, the relevance and importance of higher education, and also expressed their thoughts.

Organizers: 1st year master's students of the Department of Cultural Anthropology Ilesbek Ayat, Alshynova Assel, Almakhanova Nazerke, Alimkhan A., Тansyk Zh. department of Religion and Cultural Studies, Ph.D., Doctor Tungatova U.A. senior teacher Kuderina A.N., сandidate of philosophical sciences Alikbaeva M., сandidate of philosophical sciences Zharkimbayeva D., сandidate of philosophical sciences Muhanbet A.А. Kudaibergenov S E