Master's degree from "Pennsylvania State University"

16 may, 2024

As part of the implementation of SDG 4 "Quality Education" Begalieva Janelle Bakdauletkyzy, a 2nd-year undergraduate student of the OP program "7M04212 - Maritime and Energy Law", successfully completed a master's degree at Pennsylvania State University (United States of America), which is one of three master's degree programs with a one hundred percent grant and scholarship, which Janelle received from the above-mentioned university of the USA.

In this 2024, Janel Begalieva is simultaneously coming to the end of the master's degree program of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Baku State University (Republic of Azerbaijan).

During her studies at one of the most prestigious universities in America, Janelle was awarded a letter of thanks from Yerzhan Nigmatullayevich Ashykbayev, the Extremely Authorized Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the United States. She also received a certificate from Harvard University. It should be noted that she ran for the position of Senator of Pennsylvania State University and came to victory leaving behind three hundred students of the Penn St