Meeting with Akmaral Haydarovna Arystanbekova

14 may, 2024

On May 14, 2024, a meeting took place at the Representative Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) in Almaty between young scientists and the administration of the Faculty of International Relations with Akmaral Haydarovna Arystanbekova, a state and public figure of the RK, the first Permanent Representative of the RK to the United Nations, Ambassador-at-Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RK, Doctor of Historical Sciences, and Professor.

The delegation from the faculty was represented by first-year master's students in the specialty of "International Relations" (Serikbay Nursultan, Nurbay Aysha, Abuova Zhansaya, Zhou Hongmei, Shao Liang, and Muhammad Ammar Habibi) under the guidance of the Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, Leila Fedorovna Delovarova, and the Head of the Department of International Relations and World Economy, Gulnara Serikbaevna Baikushikova.


During the meeting, the young scientists thanked Akmaral Haydarovna for her teaching activities and noted that during the lecture course conducted by Akmaral Haydarovna, they didn't only gain theoretical knowledge but also practical skills, learned interesting and important facts about foreign policy and diplomacy of Kazakhstan, as well as its contributions within the framework of activities at the United Nations.


The meeting also highlighted the role of Academic regional resource center for information about the UN, which was established at the faculty at the initiative of Akmaral Haydarovna Arystanbekova in 2012 and aims to raise awareness about the organization and promote the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.


Akmaral Khaydarovna, in turn, noted the potential and determination of the young scientists and wished them good luck. She also emphasized the role of the faculty in preparing diplomatic personnel for Kazakhstan.


Serikbay Nursultan,

first-year master's student

Baikushikova Gulnara,

head of the department of IR and WE