Kazakh-Chinese scientific laboratory of energy-efficient nanotechnologies opened in KazNU

20 may, 2024

Representatives of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi and Nanjing University of Science and Technology of the PRC signed a number of official cooperation agreements, in the framework of which the grand opening of the joint International Kazakh-Chinese scientific laboratory on energy-efficient nanotechnologies took place.

Mr. Erkin Duisenov, Vice-Rector for Operations of Al-Farabi KazNU, made a speech at the ceremony. Welcoming the delegation from the PRC led by the Rector of Nanjing University of Science and Technology Mr. Fu Menyin, Vice-Rector of KazNU noted that Nanjing University of Science and Technology celebrated its 70th anniversary in September last year.

«Наш университет с гордостью отмечает свой 90-летний юбилей, и сегодня ваше пребывание в стенах университета стало важным звеном в цепи его исторического развития. Данная встреча направлена на укрепление научного потенциала Республики Казахстан и развитие партнерства между университетом, бизнесом и научным сообществом. Нас с китайскими университетами связывают очень прочные отношения. В рамках проекта «Один пояс – один путь» мы совместно с китайскими вузами плодотворно работаем над научно-исследовательскими проектами. Наше сотрудничество основано на мощной правовой основе, которым является договор Шанхайской организации сотрудничества», – сказал проректор Еркин Дуйсенов.

The history of cooperation between Al-Farabi KazNU and Nanjing University of Science and Technology began more than eight years ago. Within the framework of this cooperation joint scientific works were discussed, educational programs for training of master's and doctoral students were agreed upon. Academic mobility of students and teaching staff has been successfully realized, in particular, during this time in Nanjing University of Science and Technology 10 undergraduates, five doctoral students and five teachers have undergone internship.

Teachers and professors of the two universities have repeatedly visited universities in Kazakhstan and China and participated in conferences. As noted by representatives of KazNU, the purpose of opening a joint laboratory - to carry out highly effective fundamental and applied research in public and private markets in Kazakhstan, China and other countries.

In turn, the Rector of Nanjing University of Science and Technology Mr. Fu Mengyin made a speech, congratulated the staff of KazNU with the 90th anniversary, and expressed confidence that cooperation between scientists of the two universities will contribute to the solution of scientific and technical issues and open prospects for the association of innovative enterprises and universities. He also spoke about the history and activities of Nanjing University. 

During the meeting, the parties exchanged views and discussed the goals and subject of activities to develop mutually beneficial cooperation within the framework of the signed official documents, such as: agreement on the opening of a joint laboratory and dual-diploma training of master's students.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University