21 may, 2024

Cluster of Engineering and Science-Intensive Technologies of Al-Farabi KazNU together with Data+ International organized ArcGIS educational courses for the faculty of the university.


The training was held within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation concluded between KazNU and the official distributor of Esri - Data+ International LLC.

"Today, more than 350,000 organizations around the world use ArcGIS to solve various tasks, and they need qualified personnel that universities train. Therefore, continuous professional development of faculty members is the key to preparing competitive graduates," said Omirzhan Taukebayev, Deputy Director General of the Engineering and Science-Intensive Technologies Cluster, Senior Lecturer of the Cartography and Geoinformatics Department.

As a result, within the framework of the program of support for universities, 12 teachers of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management of Al-Farabi KazNU took free ArcGIS educational courses in the training center Data+ International.

The main goal of the training is to transfer knowledge about the latest technologies of geospatial analysis, web mapping and geodata management from ArcGIS experts to the teachers, who now have access to all Esri software capabilities in teaching students.

Also, ArcGIS software with an academic license for three years was installed in the faculty labs to organize the educational process with the use of geographic information system (GIS). This is a great step in modern solutions and best practices in the field of geographic information systems.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University