Ties with the University of Khazar are being strengthened

21 may, 2024

Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev specially visited Khazar University within the framework of his working trip to the Republic of Azerbaijan.


During the visit, the head of KazNU visited the institution of higher education and familiarized himself with the scientific infrastructure. A meeting with the founder of Hazara University Hamlet Isakhanl was also held.

The parties comprehensively discussed the current state and prospects of development of relations between the two universities, paying special attention to strengthening partnership, deepening ties in the field of education and science.

Zhanseit Tuimebaev noted that close ties between KazNU and Khazar University have become the basis for deepening cooperation between the two universities.

I consider it necessary to intensify the work on the development of cultural, educational and scientific partnership between KazNU and Khazar University. At the same time, if we develop work on the implementation of the program of bachelor's and doctoral degree education, then great prospects are opened for the two universities, it is a good initiative," - said Zhanseit Kanseituly.

In turn, Hamlet Isakhanly noted that the visit of the rector of KazNU to Khazar University is of great importance, drawing attention to the fact that today's meeting will give impetus to strengthening multilateral relations between the two universities.

At the end of the meeting, the parties discussed upcoming projects and initiatives and exchanged memorable gifts.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University