The problems of the development of Islamic studies were analyzed

24 may, 2024

The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University held a round table on "Islamic studies in Kazakhstan: formation and prospects of development".

The event was attended by Malik Otarbayev, Advisor to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, religious scholars, leading experts of the country, professors and teachers of the university.

Head of State Kasym-Jomart Tokayev noted at the National Kurultai: "The problem of religion is a matter of national security. It is important to adhere to and propagandize traditional Islam in accordance with the patterns of our people. It is necessary to develop its scientific-theoretical basis. We must preserve traditions and educate a conscious generation".

In his speech, Advisor to the President Malik Otarbayev congratulated the staff of KazNU on the 90th anniversary and noted the special contribution of the leading university to the development of science and education of the country.

"The topic of today's roundtable is very relevant and important. After all, the majority of the country's population are adherents of Islam. The President of the country Kasym-Jomart Tokayev pays special attention to the issues of religion and preservation of our spiritual values. At the National Kurultay in Atyrau, the head of state noted that "The desire of radical neophytes to impose alien religious ideals on society, including in the form of archaic forms of dress, is a blatant challenge to our traditional principles and values. To preserve and strengthen the spiritual sovereignty of the country, we need to be guided by the traditional for the majority of Turkic peoples, including Kazakhs, Sunni Hanafi Sunnism".

Malik Otarbayev emphasized the importance of Islamic studies and noted: "Now in our country there are enough specialists in the field of religious studies. They are trained by several universities of the country. Nevertheless, it is still difficult to say that scientific-methodological, theoretical, theological foundations of our traditional Hanafi religion of Islam are exhausted. Together with the history of traditional religion, we need a scientific institute that will fundamentally, academically study today's religious situation, work with historical ancient scriptures, give a decent assessment of the religious situation, and prevent challenges in society".

During the round table the member of the Board - vice-rector for scientific and innovative activity of KazNU Zhamila Aitzhanova noted that the scientists of the university conduct fundamental research in the field of Islamic studies.

During the conference, the following speakers made speeches: Kairat Kurmanbay, Vice-Rector of the Egyptian University of Islamic Culture Nur-Mubarak, Dosai Kenzhetai, Dean of the Faculty of Theology of the Yasawi MCTU named after A. Yasawi. Yasawi Dosai Kenzhetai, chief researcher of the Center of Religious Studies of the Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Religious Studies Bakhytzhan Satershinov, head of the Department of Religious Studies of the Eurasian National University Kenshilik Tyshkhan, dean of the Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science of KazNU Bekzhan Meirbayev, head of the Department of Religious Studies and Cultural Studies Ainur Kurmanalieva, scientists and experts.

Summarizing the results of the conference, Malik Nurzhanovich noted that the opinion and proposal of each speaker will have a significant impact on the solution of urgent problems in the field of religion in society.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University