Round table on the topic: "Some Aspects of Civil Service Employment"

24 may, 2024

On May 24, 204 at 11:00 am, fourth-year students majoring in "Public Health" along with employees of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Department of the city of Almaty held a round table on the topic: "On some aspects of civil service employment". As part of the round table program "On the procedure for admission to civil service", Zeynulla Bekmyrzayev Salkinbayev, the head of the personnel management department, provided insights. Meirhan Nurakhunovich Mukhamediev, the head of the organizational work and activity analysis department, outlined the admission rules. Students engaged with questions and significant discussions ensued. The participation of experienced department heads ensured students not only acquired necessary information but also clarified their future career directions.

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