Meeting of graduates

27 may, 2024

On May 25, 2024 according to tradition, a meeting of graduates took place at the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Sciences, which was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere. This year's alumni meeting is special because this year we celebrate the 90th anniversary of the university and the 75th anniversary of the faculty. Among the graduates of different years, graduates who graduated from the university 67 years ago were greeted with special excitement: Utekesheva Rosa Karasaevna, who turned 90 years old. And a veteran of labor (USSR), a member of the labor front, Alimzhanova Gulbakhram Mazhitkyzy, who in her years was the chief geologist of Liskovsky mining and processing plant, was awarded government awards for special services to the Republic of Kazakhstan, faculty members warmly congratulated her at home.