HSEB Alumni Day 2024

28 may, 2024

On May 24, 2024, at 3.00 pm, the Al-Farabi Higher School of Economics and Business of KazNU held the annual traditional HSEB Graduate Day.

KazNU them. Al-Farabi is the alma mater of many outstanding Kazakh scientists, statesmen, well-known businessmen, rectors, and athletes who are proud of the country.

Opened the “HSE Graduate Day – 2024” by the Dean of the Higher School of Economics and Business, Candidate of Economics, Acting Professor Bimendieva L.A. After that, according to tradition, the guests and graduates sang the International Students Anthem "Gaudeamus".

Next, a welcoming speech was given to the graduate of 1994, 30 years since graduation, I.U. Kuliyev. The meeting of the Council of the Alumni Association continued with the greeting of the participants: G.T. Esengeldieva, a graduate of the Faculty of Economics in 1989 (35 years since graduation) and I.U. Kuliyev, a graduate of the Faculty of Economics in 1994 (30 years since graduation).

From the Department of Business Technology, personal scholarships were awarded to students in need "Scholarship of Doctor of Economics, Professor Nysanbaev S.N." for a total amount of 1,000,000 tenge.

Anniversary graduates of 2004 Isaeva A.A. and Kalymbekova Zh. K. (20 years since graduation) addressed congratulations to the HSEB.

A musical greeting from HSE students on behalf of the Department of Business Technologies was delivered by a student of the specialty 6B11301 – Logistics (by industry), 3rd year, Kaz. department Ermashov Zhenis.

Anniversary graduates of different years presented congratulations to the native faculty: M.Zh. Daribayeva (15 years since graduation); M.D. Sharapieva (15 years since graduation); Akzambekkyzy Akbota - Director of the Certification Center of the Union of Project Managers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, spec. Management (10 years since graduation); Kubentaeva Dana Duisembievna – entrepreneur (5 years since graduation); Bekbolatova Zerde - Regional manager of the chain of restaurants and coffee shops Sandyk, Tary, spec. State and local government (5 years from the date of graduation); Bekenova Moldir (5 years from the date of graduation); Shurenov Nursultan Bektovich (spec. Marketing - 10 years from the date of graduation); Nurkhalikov Zhandos Nyshanbayuly - Head of the Department of Strategy and Economic Development of the Turkestan region (10 years from the date of graduation); Kenzhebai Jeanetta (6 years from the date of graduation). They shared their memories of their student years, and their experience, and expressed their hope for continued active interaction with students not only within the framework of events organized by the HSEB and departments but also at the level of informal working and personal meetings.

After the performances of the graduates of the anniversary years, students of the Higher School of Economics performed a musical greeting. On behalf of the Department of Finance and Accounting, Endibai Nazerke, 4th year Finance, performs kui on dombra.

Students of the Department of Business Technology ("6B04107 - Marketing", 4th year, Kaz. department; "6B11301 - Logistics (by industry)", 4th year, Kaz. department and Rus. department) made a welcoming greeting from graduates of 2024: Aydana Tukayeva, Murat Nurdaulet, Yerzhan Aigerim, Shora Aisha.

Migatova A.S. - Marketing (graduate of 2014), Director of the Talap Educational Center in Mangystau region, village of Akshukyr, made a video greeting on behalf of the Department of Business Technology.

By tradition, personal scholarships were given to the best students, and material subsidies were provided to graduates of different years. In support of university projects, alumni participants awarded scholarships to 30 students.

At the end of the evening, graduates of 1981, A.A. Erezhepova and B.Z. Nurmanova spoke with a welcoming farewell to the graduates.

At the end of the meeting, the dean of the Higher School of Economics and Business, Ph.D. Professor Bimendiyeva L.A., the results were summed up: expanding the base of graduates, developing connections, creating master classes, and guest lectures, encouraging students to participate in various prestigious competitions, increasing academic mobility, developing networking, etc.

Anniversary graduates of different years, who today represent government agencies, the scientific community, the business community, partner universities from Kazakhstan, near and far abroad, teachers, and students at the Higher School of Economics, took an active part in the Graduate Day 2024!

The HSEB Alumni Day ended with a memorable photo session accompanied by the Musical Number "Koshtasu Valsi", which touched the participants of the meeting with its melodiousness and deep words of the song's lyrics.