By Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 29, 2024 No. 141, changes were made to the Concept for the development of healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2026.

20 may, 2024

The new version of the concept contains the following target health indicators:
• increasing the number of educational grants for residency programs in acutely shortage specialties by 2025 to 3,800;
• increasing the share of adapted foreign technologies from the total number of new technologies introduced from 17 in 2023 to 20 in 2026;
• increasing the number of new and modernized healthcare facilities that meet international standards of medical care from 5 in 2023 to 24 in 2025;
• increasing the share of domestic medicines and medical devices in the volume of purchases of a single distributor from 40% in 2023 to 50% in 2026;
In terms of development of drug supply and the domestic pharmaceutical industry, it is planned:
- introduction of domestic and foreign technologies for the production of high-tech and innovative medicines and medical devices;
- attracting transnational companies from among the world's leading pharmaceutical manufacturers Big Pharma - Top 50 to localize production on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- increasing the scientific and human resources potential of the industry for pharmaceutical production (including international accreditation of research centers and laboratories).

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