An international scientific and practical symposium “Medieval Turkic medicine and its heritage: past and present, future, research issues” was held in Baku.

29 may, 2024

22.05. 2024 The international scientific and practical symposium “Medieval Turkic medicine and its heritage: past and present, future, research issues” was held in Baku. The symposium was organized jointly with the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. M. Fizuli, “Gylym Ordasy” and the Research Center “Monuments of Writing and Spiritual Heritage” of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

The symposium was attended by the director of the Research Center  “Written Monuments and Spiritual Heritage” of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Prof. Zubaida Shadkam and researcher N.N. Kairanbayeva.

In order to create a dialogue between researchers of the healing art of the Turks and those interested in this topic, the exchange of experience and knowledge, AR19675139 was conducted within the framework of the research project AP19675139 “The Heritage of Medieval Turkic Medicine in Persian: “Tanshk-name Ilkhani”, “Asrar al-Atibba”. Scientists from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, and Poland took part in the symposium and read their reports.

The symposium examined healing traditions, worldviews, features of medicine and treatment with natural products, as well as a discussion of issues related to the study of written medical heritage. Articles, literature reviews, and research reports on the historical, philosophical, philological, anthropological, sociological and scientific aspects of the “classical” and local healing traditions of the peoples of the East were accepted.

During the symposium at the M. Fizuli Institute of Manuscripts of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan hosted the exhibition “The Oldest and Rarest Medical Manuscripts”.

2) At the exhibition, associate professor Nigar Babakhanova spoke about the valuable medical documents stored in the institute’s collections.


2) Көрмеде Институт қорындағы сақталған құнды медициналық жазба мұралары жайлы PhD, доцент Бабаханова Нигяр Ханқызы айтып берді.

3) The gala evening was opened by the organizer and moderator of the symposium, Professor Zubaida Shadkam, director of the research center “Written Monuments and Spiritual Heritage” of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.


4) The symposium ceremony was opened by the director of the M. Fuzuli Institute of Manuscripts of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan academician Teymur Karimli. In his speech, he wished to strengthen cooperation between the three institutions and increase the number of similar events in the future.


5) Deputy Director for Science and International Cooperation of the RMC “Gylym Ordasy” of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Seydin Nurlan made a congratulatory speech.


6) Scientists from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkey, and Poland took part in the symposium and read their reports. The participants included about 30 scientists and guests from Azerbaijan, 3 from Turkey, 5 from Kazakhstan and 1 from Poland.


Mr. Najafov Azizaga, Deputy Director of the Institute of Manuscripts, made a speech and expressed gratitude to the organizers of the symposium and the participating researchers. Professor Z. Shadkam congratulated the participants of the symposium, presenting certificates and collections of the symposium. Based on the results of the symposium, a collection was published: Ортағасырлық түркі медицинасы және мұралары: өткені мен бүгіні, келешегі, зерттеу мәселелері = Medieval Turkic Medicine and its Heritage: past and present, future, research problems: халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық симпозиумның материалдары / Жауапты ред.: Кайранбаева Н.Н. – Алматы: Qalam, 2024. – 190 б. ISBN 978-601-08-4033-1


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