The role of graduates of the Faculty of Law of KazNU named after Al-Farabi in the development of legislative, executive and judicial bodies in the Republic of Kazakhstan

29 may, 2024

29.05.2024 in KazNU named after Al-Farabi at the Faculty of Law, Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Constitutional and Administrative Law in the framework of celebrating the 90th anniversary of KazNU named after Al-Farabi was held a solemn event on the theme “The role of graduates of the Faculty of Law of KazNU named after Al-Farabi in the development of legislative, executive and judicial bodies in the Republic of Kazakhstan”. The event was held in offline - online format.   

The solemn event was attended by the teaching staff of the Faculty of Law of Al-Farabi KazNU, representatives of state bodies, as well as members of political parties, various social movements and other institutions of civil society. All of them are graduates of the Law Faculty of different years. Many participants of the solemn event connected online. 

In the beginning the dean of the Faculty of Law of KazNU D.L. Baideldinov made a welcome speech, noting that this year our Alma Mater celebrates its 90th anniversary and is proud of the high results achieved, which are largely due to the activities of our graduates in various high positions and posts. Each graduate of the Faculty of Law of KazNU made his contribution to the formation of the image of our university as the best in the country and the region. 

All the speakers at the solemn event recalled with warmth and love the years of study in the walls of their native university, spoke words of gratitude to their teachers, such as Prof. S.S. Sartaev, Prof. V.A. Kim, Prof. Z.J. Kenzhaliev, Prof. A.S. Ibraeva, Prof. Y.G. Basin, Prof. S.B. Baisalov, Prof. G.I. Baimurzin and many others. 

University graduates of 2024, who are preparing to defend their diploma theses, participated in the online meeting. The distinguished guests addressed them with words of good wishes for a successful career and high achievements in their work.