Ecological action is organized in KazNU

5 june, 2024

In KazNU the action on collecting waste paper KazNU for Paper Recycling, held within the framework of the World Environment Day, which is annually celebrated on June 5, has come to an end.  


The aim of the action was to promote the principles of separate collection of waste for recycling, in particular waste paper. The event is in line with the implementation of SDG #12 “Responsible Consumption and Production”.

Anastasia Sverenkova, a final-year student of the UNESCO Chair of Sustainable Development at the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management, was the idea inspirer of the event, author of the name and logo. The initiative was supported by first-year students studying in the specialties “Ecology” and “Life Safety and Environmental Protection”.

During the KazNU for Paper Recycling days, its participants campaigned among university staff, posted notices and identified places for waste paper collection in academic buildings, dormitories and offices of the university campus. At the end of the event, the collected paper waste was sent to a specialized organization for recycling.

The author of the project - 4th year student Anastasia Sverenkova, studying in the specialty “Ecology” told about what served as a push for her and inspired the project. "I have long been deeply concerned about the problem of unknowingly using paper and other resources. Often, a huge amount of materials, including paper, plastic and metal, are used unsustainably on a daily basis and end up in landfills, causing huge damage to the environment. Reducing consumption, recycling and conscious consumption are important steps towards a greener society,” Anastasia emphasized. - I would like to believe that this action is just the beginning. I devoted my thesis to the research of waste problems, methods of their recycling and methods of reducing their number on the territory of the educational campus of KazNU. As part of this research, I came to the conclusion that the university can become a role model in the methods of introducing an environmentally friendly approach to waste management, as well as the main source of dissemination of ideas of conscious consumption".

The organizers of the event are sure that such events on collection of waste paper and other waste, introduction of educational programs on environmental awareness, use of recycled materials can become a part of the university's sustainable development strategy. Making such actions a regular practice will not only help to reduce the amount of waste on campus, but also to increase environmental culture among students and staff. Everyone can contribute to the preservation of the environment.

We urge all students and faculty to actively participate in such initiatives. Together we can make our university more environmentally friendly and responsible!

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University