Integration of Central Asia in the Context of Sustainable Development Goals

6 june, 2024

     The publishing house “Kazakh University” published the monograph “Integration of Central Asia: Economic Prerequisites and Prospects” authored by senior teachers of the department “International Relations and World Economy” Yerimpasheva A.T. and Medukhanova L.A.

  The monograph was published with grant funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan BR18574168 “The Role of Kazakhstan in Deepening Regional Integration of Central Asian Countries and Its Goals of Sustainable Development within the Framework of Global World Trends.” This publication is dedicated to integration processes in Central Asia. The research results presented in the monograph made it possible to identify the integration process's strengths and weaknesses and helped to determine the horizon of future efforts to progress it. The book is addressed to specialists in the world economy, researchers of regional processes, and all interested parties studying the integration and economic aspects of the development of Central Asia.