KazNU alumni meet after 30 years

8 june, 2024

The Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was visited by the alumni of the Faculty of Law, who graduated from their alma mater. Thirty years later, real professionals came to familiarize themselves with the changes that have taken place in their native university. Among them are state and public figures, famous lawyers, employees of the judicial system of the country.


Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebaev met with the guests and spoke about the results of work in recent years. Also, the head of the university shared further plans for the development of KazNU.

During the visit, the alumni visited the law faculty, where they had once listened to lectures and performed practical tasks. In addition, the former students familiarized themselves with the results of repair works.
The graduates shared their impressions, expressed their gratitude to the management for the warm welcome and wished them further success in their work.

"We are very happy to visit our alma mater today. We always follow the news about KazNU and rejoice in its successes. The knowledge gained here from our teachers and professors, we actively apply in our activities. I congratulate all of you on the 90th anniversary of our favorite university. I wish you prosperity and development!" - said Aset Issekeshev, a state and public figure and a graduate of the university.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University