For students of the 1st year of the educational program natural and man-made risks, a trip to the Charyn Gorge was organized according to an educational practice conducted in accordance with the discipline geomorphology and geodynamics.

17 june, 2024

      The students walked 5 kilometers along the Charyn Gorge to the Sharyn River. The Charyn Canyon is a unique geomorphological formation, manifested by a complex of interesting features formed over millions of years under the influence of various natural forces.      

      For millions of years, the wind has shaped the rocks, creating unique shapes and reliefs. This canyon is also called the "Valley of Castles", as you can see the outlines of medieval fortresses from the cliffs. On the way to Sharyn, first of all, I got acquainted with the extraordinary beauty, unique flora and fauna of the "Black Canyon".        

      However, we must not forget that the canyon is a vulnerable ecosystem that requires conservation. Currently, one of the goals of sustainable development is "conservation of the terrestrial ecosystem". Therefore, it is important for the 1st year to know that he must follow the rules of behavior in nature, that is, do not leave garbage, do not negatively affect the shapes of Cliffs, caves and slopes in the gorge prone to falling, and thereby help preserve this amazing place for future generations. Despite its beauty,

      Charyn Canyon is a place with certain natural risks that should be taken into account when visiting: the canyon has many rocks and steep slopes that are dangerous for unprepared tourists.          

      By visiting the Charyn gorge, students were able not only to theoretically study the formation of various landforms, but also to see with their own eyes, strengthen their knowledge and have a good rest against the backdrop of beautiful nature