Released the list of master's students who will study in France

28 may, 2024

Some people know, others don’t - but our faculty has a double degree program “7M05407 Mathematics (URHA, France)” for master’s studies. The program is implemented between our university and the French University of Champagne-Ardenne. Under the program, master's students study in Kazakhstan for 1 year. The course of study is as follows: after the 1st semester, in the 2nd semester, foreign teachers conduct special classes on group theory. In addition, language courses are held simultaneously. After our French colleagues complete the required course, an examination will be held for the students. Master's students who successfully pass the exam have the opportunity to go to France for gaining knowledge at the Reims University of Champagne-Ardenne. So, based on the exam results, in this year the following master’s students are expected to continue their studies in France:

  1. Nasipkazy Akmaral Erkinbekkyzy
  2. Ashirov Sansyzbai Bazarbaevich
  3. Elaman Aida Nuralykyzy
  4. Sultanbek Togzhan Anuarbekkyzy
  5. Otegenova Aigerim Abdikadyrkyzy
  6. Toktay Shyngys Serikul

On behalf of the department, we sincerely congratulate our undergraduates! Let these small steps you take now be the door to greater opportunities in the future.