Summer Solstice Day

20 june, 2024

The sun has always played an important role in people's lives. This explains the fact that the solstice day began to be celebrated long before our era. The summer solstice has long played a huge role in the culture of different peoples. This date was given a magical meaning. This year the day of the summer solstice falls on June 20.

The sun is the main source of energy, with the help of which the Earth's biosphere was formed and exists, and in general, determines the ecology of the planet.

On one of the longest daylight days of this year, students of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development of Al-Farabi KazNU visited the amazing natural monument of our planet - the Charyn Canyon.  Future ecologists got acquainted with the geological structure of the canyon and its fragile ecosystem, which requires very careful attitude, attention and protection.