Congratulations to our talented young scientists with grant funding for their research projects!

22 june, 2024

Congratulations to the young scientists of the Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, who received funding under the competitions for grant funding of young scientists on scientific or scientific-technical projects for 2024-2026 and «Zhas Galym»!

In the competition of grant financing of young scientists on scientific or scientific-technical projects for 2024-2026 senior lecturer of the Department of Biotechnology, PhD Bauenova M. O. was funded in the priority direction «Sustainable development of agro-industrial complex» on the topic «Obtaining and research of biofilms of algocyanobacteria for the restoration of saline and polluted soils» and PhD Tastambek K. T. in the priority area «Ecology, environment and rational nature management, development of modern technologies for effective environmental monitoring and green technologies» on the topic «Design and optimization of a microbial consortium for effective biosulfization of Kazakhstani high-sulfur coals» received funding. In addition, according to the competition for grant funding for research by young scientists under the «Zhas Galym» project for 2022-2024, PhD doctoral student of the Department of Biotechnology Sandybaeva S. K. received funding in the priority area «Science of Life and Health» on the topic «Obtaining pigments of phototrophic microorganisms and studying their immunomodulatory properties and antibacterial activity».

The scientific projects of young scientists are aimed at the optimal solution of various biotechnology problems using phototrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms. We wish further success and new achievements in scientific research to our talented young scientists!


PhD Bauenova M. O.

PhD Tastambek K. T.


Young scientist Sandybaeva S.K.