Rector awarded doctoral students with diplomas

9 july, 2024

Chairman of the Board - Rector of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebaev met with doctoral students who graduated with honors and presented them with diplomas.


At the meeting the head of the university told the graduates about the achievements of KazNU and focused on the scientific potential of the university. "In the current year KazNU has achieved significant successes. The university entered the Top 200 universities in the international QS rating and took 163rd place. Many scientific centers and laboratories have been opened on the basis of the higher educational institution.  All conditions for free work of scientists are created. Partnerships with foreign universities are expanding. This, in turn, allowed scientists to cooperate with foreign scientists, share experience and realize joint scientific projects," the rector said.

In his speech, Zhanseit Tuimebaev expressed his warm wishes to the doctoral students and wished them success in their further scientific work. "You have now become a PhD doctor, and great expectations will be placed on you. It is necessary to actively participate in the works on the development of domestic science. In your hands is the increase of scientific potential of our country", - said the head of the university.

During the meeting doctoral students expressed their gratitude to the leadership of KazNU and thanked all the teachers who gave them lectures.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University