MEPhI branch in KazNU invites applications

The MEPhI branch based at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University continues to admit students in the highly sought-after specialisations of 'Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmophysics' and 'Secure High Performance Computing Systems and Technologies'. Don't miss your chance!
Two years ago, a branch of the National Nuclear Research University MEPhI was opened on the basis of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Applicants were given a unique opportunity to learn the real-world professions of nuclear physicist and IT specialist. These two areas are the strongest at MEPhI and are highly ranked nationally and internationally.
Training is delivered by a strong teaching staff who aim to produce highly qualified, well-rounded professionals with critical and analytical thinking skills.
Graduates of the 'Elementary Particle Physics and Cosmophysics' programme will acquire knowledge and skills in: developing elementary particle detectors and multi-stream data acquisition systems, conducting accelerator and astrophysical experiments, research in neutrino physics, astrophysics and cosmophysics, etc.
The bachelor's and master's programmes in "Secure High Performance Computing Systems" and "Secure High Performance Computing Systems and Technologies" will provide students with knowledge of electronic computing machines (ECM), systems and networks, automated information processing and control systems, software for automated systems, etc.
The young specialists, having received a Russian diploma of international standard, will be able to get a job in an international scientific organisation (CERN, JINR) or in one of the national companies, such as RosAtom, Kazatomprom, Samruk-Kazyna, national banks (NNC RK, INP RK, FIAN), as well as in commercial companies on the profile of the educational programme.
Education is provided on a budgetary (Kazakhstani grant) and paid basis. Admission threshold: for Bachelor's degree - 40 out of 100 points, for Master's degree - 80 out of 100 points. Form of admission test: for Bachelor's degree - written test, for Master's degree - interview.
The results of the UNT are not taken into account.
Acceptance of documents for the Bachelor's degree will last until 19 August (inclusive).
Examinations will be held: Mathematics - 30 July, 20 August 2024, Physics - 1 August, 22 August 2024. For the Master's degree, the deadline for the receipt of documents is 18 August (inclusive). Examinations: 5-20 August 2024.
For any questions please call: + 7 701 228 00 00 82. Website:
Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
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