KazNU graduates dentists for the first time

24 july, 2024

For the first time in the 90-year history of Al-Farabi KazNU, a graduation of bachelors in speciality ‘Stomatology’ took place. Young specialists from Kazakhstan, Jordan, Iraq, Russia and Turkmenistan completed their studies.


This significant event has its own backstory. The Graduate School of Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine and Public Health of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was established in 2018 to implement educational programmes in the specialty ‘General Medicine’. The Department of Clinical Specialties was reorganised and separated into a separate structure in 2022 to train students in the specialty of ‘Dentistry’. In 2019, the first enrolment of 17 dental students was carried out. By the 2023-2024 academic year, the number of students in this speciality increased to 183.

The department laid the foundation of educational and methodological, scientific, clinical and educational work. An innovative educational programme of Bachelor's degree ‘Stomatology’ was developed in three languages (Kazakh, Russian and English), which allows to carry out the educational process for foreign students. The best practices of recognised international medical schools such as Florida University of Dentistry, Michigan Dental School and Singapore Dental School were taken into account and introduced into the educational process of KazNU.
Learning outcomes, curriculum of educational programme and content of disciplines meet the requirements of the standards of the World Federation of Medical Education WFME (World Federation of Medical Education) - Global Standards for Quality Improvement in Medical Education. The requirements of different healthcare systems on a global scale are taken into account. This is important because at the moment on this educational programme in KazNU mainly foreign students from 17 countries of the world study. Training of future dentists takes place both in the simulation centre and on clinical bases: SC ‘Sar-Adan’, ST ‘Ni-Dental’, LLP training and clinical enterprise ‘Daris-TTE’.

In the academic year 2023-2024, 10 basic dental units were purchased. Equipment and other materials for full-fledged operation of dental offices were also purchased.

During the years of work of the Higher School of Medicine 101 dentists graduated from one-year internship on the basis of KazNU named after Al-Farabi.
We congratulate the graduates and the staff of the department, wish success in all endeavours!

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

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