Scientists from Qilu Technical University (China) Visit the “Sustainable Development and Environmental Management” Research Center and the “Remote Sensing Technology and Application” Laboratory

22 july, 2024

On July 22, 2024, the “Sustainable Development and Environmental Management” Research Center (SDEM) and the Kazakhstan-China Joint Laboratory “Remote Sensing Technology and Application” (RSTA) at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University hosted a delegation of scientists from Qilu Technical University (Jinan, China). The delegation included leading researchers from the university.

The guests familiarized themselves with the activities of ten laboratories at the SDEM Research Center and the RSTA Laboratory, where cutting-edge research in various fields of sustainable development and nature management is conducted. Additionally, research associate Yeldar Nuruly presented interim results of the BR21882122 program, dedicated to the sustainable development of natural, economic, and social systems in the West Kazakhstan region.

Significant interest was shown by the scientists from Qilu Technical University in the soil ecology laboratory, the water resource quality dynamics modeling laboratory, the innovative GlobalSky atmospheric research laboratory, as well as the climate and modeling laboratory and the geoinformation analysis of landscape degradation laboratory. The guests actively discussed opportunities for joint projects with our researchers, shared their own developments, and clarified details in each direction. Special attention was paid to comparing research conducted in China and Kazakhstan and discussing business and government interest in supporting scientific projects.

In addition to laboratory research, the guests were shown the work conducted by the center's scientists during the floods in the West Kazakhstan region, including participation in the emergency response headquarters in Atyrau from April 15 to 20, 2024, and field expeditions from March to May 2024. These works clearly demonstrated the capabilities and efficiency of the research center in emergency situations.

At the end of the visit, the scientists from Qilu Technical University expressed their gratitude for the hospitality and emphasized the importance of continuing collaboration. This visit was an important step towards expanding scientific connections and implementing joint projects aimed at addressing current environmental issues.

The visit confirmed the commitment of both parties to developing international scientific cooperation and exchanging advanced knowledge and technologies in the field of sustainable development and nature management. The SDEM Research Center and the RSTA Laboratory adhere to the principles of Sustainable Development Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals), emphasizing the importance of international cooperation in addressing global environmental challenges.

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