A brainstorming session on NPP construction was held

18 september, 2024

A Pecha Kucha meeting was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University on the topic ‘Construction of a Nuclear Power Plant’.

The event, organised by the Faculty of Physics and Technology, was attended by scientists, nuclear physics experts and about 100 university students. The meeting was aimed at explaining the benefits of nuclear power to students before the referendum.

During the meeting, the participants considered possible ways to solve the problem of energy deficit in the country and expressed their opinions.

The event was opened by Nurzada Beisen, Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Technology, who noted the importance of today's event.

At the free-format session, the positive sides of NPP construction and the contribution of nuclear energy to the country's economy were voiced. The students believe that in order to join the ranks of developed countries, it is necessary to improve uranium mining methods and attract qualified specialists in this field.

During the meeting a report was made by the Head of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics, Professor Bolegenova S., Acting Associate Professor Bayzhuma E., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor Tuseyev T., who provided information on the development of nuclear power in Kazakhstan, the safety of NPP construction. 

The participants of the event received information about the advantages and prospects of NPP application and increased their knowledge in this area. They also expressed their willingness to participate in the national referendum to be held on 6 October.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


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