Scientific projects were discussed with foreign scientistsFarabi University

Scientific projects were discussed with foreign scientists

3 october, 2024

The university has a high scientific potential and modern material and technical base for conducting relevant and in-demand scientific research. The overall direction of the research is based on scientific achievements and advanced technologies, as well as their analytical evaluation. This makes the university more competitive in the international scientific community and opens up opportunities for implementing new innovative solutions.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is known as one of the leading educational institutions in the country, as well as a center for quality education and scientific research. Here, students and young specialists have the opportunity to study under highly qualified experts, develop their knowledge, and contribute to science.

Each department of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, supported by direct state funding, has established research laboratories and implements numerous projects in the fields of fundamental and applied sciences. Scientific schools at the faculty are rapidly developing, each of them significantly influencing the preparation of scientific personnel. Young scientists actively participate in scientific work and defend their research projects.

         The faculty holds weekly scientific seminars, where master’s students, doctoral candidates, and trainees present their research results and discuss them in open discussions. Participants ask questions, focusing on both the strengths and weaknesses of the presented research work.

Scientists from Al-Farabi KazNU contribute significantly to the development of chemical science in Kazakhstan, supporting its further advancement and attracting young people to scientific activity. In recent years, articles by Kazakh scientists have been published in numerous prestigious international journals.

For the comprehensive development of young scientists, the faculty actively invites foreign specialists who deliver lectures and share their experience. The organizer of one such event, a scientific seminar featuring professors from Termez State University (Uzbekistan, Tashkent), was the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry. The seminar was conducted as part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 17 – "Partnerships for the Goals."

The participants showed great interest in the presentations, asked questions, and discussed the research, innovative technologies, and sustainability issues. Scientists and researchers shared their experiences and offered new ideas and solutions, which will undoubtedly contribute to the rapid development of education and science.


Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology 

Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry 

Associate Professor, Doctor of Chemical Sciences 

Beikut Balgyshеvа