Rector of KazNU took part in the II Congress of the history of Turkic statehood

4 october, 2024

Chairman of the Board - Rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev took part in the II Congress of the History of Turkic Statehood. 


The large-scale event was attended by President of the Turkic Academy Shahin Mustafayev, President of the Turkish Historical Society Yuksel Ozgen, Executive Director of the Representative Office of the Organisation of Turkic States in Hungary Istvan Vashari, Vice-President of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences Tsegmid Tserendorj, Director of the Scientific Institute for the Study of the Ulus Juchi of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Zhaksylyk Sabitov, Turkic scientists from Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Russia, Bulgaria and other countries. 

The Congress ‘Statehood of Turkic Peoples in the Chingizid Era’ is timed to coincide with the 800th anniversary of the Ulus Dzhuchi and its legacy.

President of the International Turkic Academy Shahin Mustafayev spoke at the opening of the event. He noted that the aim of the forum is to intensify and deepen research on the history of Turkic states, as well as to encourage scientific co-operation in this field.

In his speech, the rector of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zhanseit Tuimebayev touched upon topical issues of the development of statehood of Kazakhstan and emphasised that Juchi Khan and the Ulus Juchi play a special role in the history of the Kazakh people.

‘Kazakh khans and sultans of XV-XIX centuries are direct descendants of Juchi Khan. Political figures on the territory of the Great Steppe, from Kerey-Janibek to Kenesary Khan, are descendants of Dzhuchi Khan. Such events dedicated to the study of our common history contribute to strengthening the unity of Turkic countries. Studies and research by qualified scientists and experts will further reveal the personality of Juchi Khan. I am confident that comprehensive discussions, exchange of views and important decisions will be made at the thematic sessions,’ said Zhanseit Tuimebayev.

The event is aimed at ensuring active interaction between specialists of relevant historical fields and other scientific disciplines, publication of materials in thematic periodicals.

The plenary session of the congress continued with sessions where such topics as ‘The figure of Juchi in Shajarat al-Atrak’, ‘History of Turkic statehood in the Chingizid period’, ‘The concept of the Great Steppe civilisation’, ‘Principles of classification of post-Chingizid Turkic states’, ‘Features of Turkic statehood of nomadic civilisation’ and others were considered.

At the end of the international forum, the participants agreed on a number of important decisions on the main directions in the study of the history of Turkic statehood.

Press-service of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University