An international scientific internship at Bilecik Seyh Edebali University

13 october, 2024

From October 7, 2024, to October 13, 2024, an international scientific internship was held at Bilecik Seyh Edebali University, Bilecik, Turkey by a group of researchers from the Higher School of Economics and Business of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Acting Professor of the Department of Economics Bimendiyeva L.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting Yerdavletova F.K., PhD, Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting Kogut O.Yu., 3rd year doctoral student, lecturer of the Department of Finance and Accounting Kyzdarbekova A.S., 2nd-year doctoral student of the specialty "Accounting and Audit" Akbalyk M.

According to the UI GreenMetric World University Ranking System 2023 study results, the university is among the top 300 in the world university rankings for sustainable development.

According to the work plan, meetings were held with foreign professors, and representatives of Supreme Audit Institutions to exchange experiences and conduct joint research: Prof. Dr. Mevludie Simsek, Asst. Prof. Betül İnam, Asst. Prof. Betül Tiryaki Baştuğ, Assoc. Prof. Asli Ergenekon Arslan, Res. Asst. İbrahim Eseroğlu - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sanem Berkün, teacherDr. Z. Deniz Altinsoy.

The research group members participated in a 48-hour seminar training on the topic “Monitoring and Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Use of National Resources to Achieve the SDGs,” and received a Certificate (SDG 7 "Low-cost and clean energy,” SDG 8 "Decent work and economic growth,” SDG 11 "Sustainable cities and human settlements,” and SDG 17 "Partnership for Sustainable Development").

Seminars were held for undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Bilecik Seyh Edebali University within the framework of cooperation and exchange of experience by research group members.