PhD Students from KazNU Participate in Scientific Internship

21 october, 2024

PhD students of the 2nd year at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, from the Higher School of Economics and Business, specifically the Departments of Business Technologies and Management, Mussа Karlygash 8D11301 - Logistics (by Industry) and Asanova Arayim 8D04103 - Public and Local Administration, are currently undergoing a scientific internship at the University of Terengganu in Malaysia. Their academic supervisor is University Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr., Jagan Jeevan.

The internship aims to achieve the 4th goal of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) — ensuring quality education. The primary objective of the PhD students is to collect materials for their dissertations and scientific publications, as well as to develop their professional skills.

During the internship, the students actively participate in lectures by Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr., Jagan Jeevan and seminar sessions held at the university. These lectures provide them with a unique opportunity to enhance their scientific qualifications and learn new research methods and approaches.

Participation in the professor’s lectures significantly deepens the students’ knowledge, develops their research skills, and allows them to exchange experiences with the international academic community. They are mastering contemporary methods and trends in logistics and public administration while actively engaging in scientific discussions.