Free Taxi: Supporting Inclusive and Sustainable CitiesFarabi University

Free Taxi: Supporting Inclusive and Sustainable Cities

8 october, 2024

Free Taxi: Supporting Inclusive and Sustainable Cities

The free taxi initiative can be an important step towards achieving SDG 11, "Sustainable Cities and Communities," by improving access to transportation for socially vulnerable groups. This initiative is especially relevant for those without a personal vehicle who face challenges in getting home under difficult conditions—such as late at night or in rainy weather.

Such programs help create a more inclusive urban space where everyone can feel part of a caring community. One of our professors sets a great example of this: although he prefers not to draw attention to himself, he gives free rides to people when it’s raining heavily or if they have no other way to get home. Initiatives like these foster community unity and create an atmosphere of mutual support and assistance.

We propose implementing a free taxi service at the university level for students and faculty, particularly during evening hours or bad weather. This initiative will make an important contribution to social welfare and strengthen connections within the academic community, while also setting an example for other organizations by highlighting the importance of accessible and inclusive transportation.