On 11.12.2024, a round table was held in the AlmatyGenplan building at 10:00 a.m.
The Civil Alliance of Almaty (GAA) is one of the guides in the implementation of the Concept of Civil Society Development in Almaty (approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 27, 2020 No. 390 "On Approval of the Concept of Civil Society Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan" https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/U2000000390 )-
In particular, GAL creates specific tools in the implementation of the task Nº 5, set out in the Concept:
Task 5. Involvement of civil society in the process of implementation in Kazakhstan's UN Sustainable Development Goals.
As part of this task:
- promotes the promotion of the SDGs with the participation of all stakeholders;
- promotes the involvement of local executive bodies and civil society organizations in the process of implementing SDG indicators;
- creates working groups and task forces for the implementation of the SDGs, taking into account the interests of different levels of government and local stakeholders, including socially vulnerable groups of the population;
- conducts public monitoring of the implementation of the SDGs with the participation of civil society organizations;
- prepares regional reports on SDG areas.
The purpose of the round table: to discuss with representatives of universities the mechanisms of public monitoring of the implementation of the SDGs in Almaty. To bring to the representatives of universities the initiative to conduct
public monitoring of the achievement of the SDGs in Almaty.