From November 4 to November 29, 2024, a one-month teacher training seminar on "Teaching Turkish in Kazakhstan" within the framework of the "Sustainable Development Goals: Quality Education organized by the teaching staff of Ibn Haldun (Turkey) and Al-Farabi Kazakh National Universities was held.
The seminar training took place three weeks online and one week offline.
The seminar was organized to improve the qualifications of university teachers in the use of information and communication technologies, introduce the possibilities of artificial intelligence, enrich students' vocabulary, and develop language skills in teaching Turkish.
In the seminar training, professors and teachers of Ibn Haldun, Istanbul, Gazi, Ankara, and Kazakh National Universities and Yunus Emre Institute held meaningful seminars, and shared their best pedagogical practices on the digitalization of foreign language teaching and modern technologies that contribute to the effective teaching of the Turkish language.
Turkish teachers from Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Kazakh National Girls' Pedagogical University, and Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan participated in the seminar and improved their qualifications.
The seminar was very informative. The participants of the seminar training expressed their gratitude to the professors and teachers who conducted the seminar training and the teaching staff of Ibn Haldun University (Turkey) and Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi.
Furkan Alpat, Harun Aksu, Rümeysa Şişman, Melike Nur Çep, Merdiye Mansur, Sümeyra Bozkurt Kahriman, Şura Faziyev, Gül Gönültaş Sevinçgil, the teachers of Ibn Khaldun University and Kurmanali Chakyroglu Altynshash Arystanbekkyzy, professor of the Department of Turkish Studies and History of Eastern Countries of Al Farabi National University, who made a valuable contribution to the seminar were awarded with certificates of appreciation.
At the end of the seminar, an 80-hour international certificate was awarded to Turkish language teachers who completed the training seminar successfully.
Department of Turkish Studies and History of Eastern Countries