Teachers of the Department of Mathematics were awarded medalsFarabi University

Teachers of the Department of Mathematics were awarded medals

28 december, 2024

"Honor your teacher as your parent" - this is what folk wisdom says. At all times, a teacher has been a clear beacon, leading through the unfamiliar land of science and life in general. And people have always honored their teachers, not only for their contribution to humanity, but also for their work. Teachers are not only specialists who impart knowledge to students, but also leaders of the educational process, actively contributing to the development of science and the education of future generations. Their work and contribution to education are often recognized with various awards, emphasizing the high level of professionalism and dedication to their work.

I would especially like to note the teachers whose achievements deserve attention. For example:

  1. Tolegenova Makpal Bakytkyzy was awarded the Gold Medal "Farabi" for her contribution to the development of science and higher education and special contribution to the development of the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi.
  2. Makhmedzhanov Nabibulla was awarded the Grand Gold Medal "Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ дамуына қосқан айрықша үлесі үшін" for his special contribution to the development of our university.
  3. Bliev Nazarbay Kadiruly was awarded the Gold Medal "Farabi" for his contribution to the development of science and higher education and his special contribution to the development of our university.
  4. Dosanbay Pernebek Tölepbergenuly was awarded the medal "EREN ENBEGI USHIN" for his contribution to the development of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi.

The awards of the teachers of the Department of Mathematics are a reflection of their high professionalism, talent and hard work. They inspire not only colleagues, but also students, emphasizing the importance of quality education and science in modern society. Recognition of their merits is an incentive for new achievements and a contribution to the development of future generations.

We wish our teachers success and fruitful work!

Imanberdiyev Kanzharbek

Head of the Department of Mathematics