Winners of the international competitionFarabi University

Winners of the international competition

5 february, 2025

Under the guidance of professors of the Department of Physical Chemistry, Catalysis and Petrochemistry Tungatarova S.A. and Baizhumanova T.S. Doctoral students of the specialty “8D07101 - Petrochemistry” Shoganbek Dinmukhamed and Zhylkybek Magira won the “Best Young Scientist of the CIS” competition, organized at the international level, and were awarded the “Best Young Scientist” medal, as well as a 1st degree diploma for their high achievements. This competition was held on the initiative of the international research center “Endless Light in Science” and is a prestigious event aimed at identifying the best scientific works of young scientists from the CIS countries.

Doctoral students Shoganbek Dinmuhamed and Zhylkybek Magira presented the results of their research work in the field of applied and fundamental science. These studies have been highly appreciated and will be made available to the scientific community after undergoing special peer review. Their works will be published in PDF format on the international scientific platforms CIBERLENINKA and GOOGLE SCHOLAR. In addition, full versions of the studies will be included in the database of the National Electronic Library of the Russian Federation (ELIBRARY) in Moscow and widely distributed through electronic journals of the CIBERLENINKA and GOOGLE SCHOLAR platforms. These publications will recognize the scientific achievements of young scientists at the international level and highlight the relevance of their research.


Head of the department of physical chemistry,

catalysis and petrochemistry Aubakirov E.A.