“How to preserve the spiritual values of the people”Farabi University

“How to preserve the spiritual values of the people”

20 february, 2025

On February 20, , a zoom conference on the topic: “How to preserve the spiritual values ​​of the people”  was organized within the framework of  of  SDG 4 quality education with the participation of  the 1st year  students of the Higher School of Economics and Business. The guest of this event was an English Teacher,  the researcher of the Higher College of the Innovations at Eurasian University ( Pavlodar),   Bakasova Ayauly Kazhikarimovna. The 1st year students of the Higher School of Economics and Business  of Kazakh National University made presentations and took part in a quiz devoted to  the cultural and spiritual values ​​of the Kazakh people.  The event was held  in a friendly atmosphere.  Event organizers were  all English Teachers at Higher School of Econimics.

Organizers:  Ph.D. Kulzhanbekova G.K., Ph.D. Orazbekova I.G., Tleugabylova Z.A., Bekalaeva A.O., Khalenova A.R., Murumbaeva G.A.
