Рroduction theoryFarabi University

Рroduction theory

28 february, 2025

In accordance with the goal of the 4th direction of the SDG "quality education", on February 20, 2025, 1st-year students of the specialty "6B04103 – Economics" and "6B04109 - Digital Economics" of the Faculty of the Higher School of Economics and Business were trained in the discipline "Microeconomics" using innovative, interactive and digital technologies in education in order to improve quality Finally, Zh. T. Antaev, a doctoral student at the Department of Economics, conducted an open lesson on "production theory". Supervised by a qualified senior lecturer at the Faculty of Economics, PhD in Economics, head of teaching practice Turarov D. R.

During the lesson, the students reviewed the main directions of production development in Kazakhstan. An example is relatively developed foreign countries, including the USA, Germany, and Japan. The advantages, disadvantages and peculiarities of production in these countries were discussed. The students collaborated in the learning process. They showed the level of their knowledge. It was a productive lesson aimed at critical perception and understanding of economic information.