SDG 4: Students watched the play ‘Sultan Beibarys’
Students of the Faculty of International Relations and Oriental Studies of our university watched the play ‘Sultan Beibarys’, staged at the Theatre of Traditional Arts ‘Alatau’ to promote national culture and history.
This production, staged in the genre of sound drama, beautifully depicts the life and exploits of Sultan Beibarys, a famous commander and statesman born in the Kipchak steppes and ruler of Egypt. In the performance his leadership qualities, fighting spirit and personality of a just ruler made a special impression on the audience.
One of the main features of the new stage production is its integration with ethno-folklore ensemble and choreographic numbers. During the performance the co-ordinated work of musicians, composers, actors and sound engineers was demonstrated at a high level. The theatre team combined historical images with modern technologies and traditional stage art, giving the audience an unforgettable experience.
Such cultural events that glorify our national history have a great impact on shaping students' historical consciousness and increasing their interest in culture.
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