Green Campus and Environmental Policy
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was the first university in Central Asia to join the UN Academic Impact Program (in 2012) and to this day heads the United Nations Academic Impact global hub on sustainable development. Since 2016, the university has been participating annually in the World Ranking of "Green Universities" (UI Green Metric World Ranking Universities).
AKTYMBAEVA ALIYA SAGYNDYKOVNA, Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University is one of the leading universities with a strong reputation in the Central Asian region, including Mongolia, northwestern China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, the northwestern part of India, the northern part of Pakistan, the northeastern part of Iran, as well as areas of Asian Russia.
These countries, as countries in transition economies, are experiencing a number of difficulties in solving environmental problems. There are "classic" problems in the region, such as environmental pollution, excess household and industrial waste, loss of biodiversity, soil erosion and land degradation, and problems of access to fresh water. It should also be noted that the specific ones peculiar to this particular region are the drying up of the Aral Sea, pollution with rocket fuel (heptyl), uranium waste, and radiation pollution associated with nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk test site.
In the presence of such problems, the ideology and educational mission of society, as well as innovations in the field of ecology, play a huge role. KazNU named after Al-Farabi, assumes the role of a leader in the Central Asian region, able to form an ecosystem around itself with deeply penetrating ties in the fields of education, science and production, focused on achieving sustainable development goals.
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University was the first university in Central Asia to join the UN Academic Impact Program (in 2012) and to this day heads the United Nations Academic Impact global hub on sustainable development. Since 2016, the university has been participating annually in the World Ranking of "Green Universities" (UI Green Metric World Ranking Universities).
In 2022-2023, the Treasury, based on the developed policies and strategies on this issue and supported by the policies of the state as a whole, carries out their systematic and comprehensive implementation in all directions:
1) Organization of structural units responsible for the promotion of the SDGs and environmental issues, in particular.
Over the past 12 months, the Biosphere Ecology Laboratory and the COMSATS Center for Climate and Sustainability have been working at the university, and international, interdisciplinary UNESCO chairs on sustainable development are functioning at the Faculties of Geography, Environmental Management and Journalism.
2) Educational mission
In the process of developing a "model plan for the sustainable development of universities", jointly with the Kazakh Geographical Society, the project "Green Office of Universities". As part of the creation of a network of green offices, memoranda of cooperation were signed with 28 universities and research institutes; an information and analytical knowledge base on sustainable development and the transition to a "green economy" in the world and in Kazakhstan was developed and posted on the platform. Since 2022, work has been underway to create the author's concept of the "ECO Office"
KazNU named after Al-Farabi, has launched massive open online courses on waste disposal, climate change and others and conducts advanced training courses (including a course for journalists on "Environmental Journalism within the Framework of Sustainable Development Goals") in partnership with the Ministry of Information and Public Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Educational work is being carried out on social networks. For example, the Telegram channel "Air Quality Science" regularly publishes up-to-date information on air pollution issues.
3) Interaction with government agencies
University staff regularly act as experts at the request of industry departments and international organizations (National Scientific Councils, UNITARproject, and the member of the City Planning Council of the city of Almaty (Nassiba Baimatova). The university staff participates in the preparation of sections on research in the field of ecology" of the National Report on Science (Pavlichenko L. M.).
4) Scientific research in the field of environmental monitoring and data analysis
Numerous studies have been conducted in the field of environmental monitoring. A comprehensive assessment of the state of ecosystems in territories affected by the rocket and space activities of the Baikonur commodore for 15 years has been carried out, and maps of rocket fuel pollution have been compiled, including 1,1-dimethylhydrazine and its derivatives related to Class I toxic substances. Scientific projects such as "Development of a research program to improve air quality in the cities of Nur-Sultan (Astana) and Almaty using modern analytical methods and modeling tools" and "Comprehensive assessment of air pollution in Almaty: identification of sources, spatial and temporal analysis" are being implemented. The university staff published 518 articles in the period from 2020 to 2023 in the direction of Environmental Science, from which the article "Assessing air quality changes in large cities during COVID-19 lockdowns" was cited (218 times): The impacts of traffic-free urban conditions in Almaty, Kazakhstan" (Kerimray, A., Baimatova, N., Ibragimova, O.P. and 4 more, 2020, Science of the Total Environment).
5) Scientific developments and technological solutions to environmental pollution issues
- Methods for the determination and screening of intoxicants in soil, water, and plants have been developed.
- Sorbents for water purification have been developed.
- Projects are being implemented: «Development of precise methods for gas chromatographic determination of volatile organic compounds in environmental objects at the sampling site using solid-phase microextraction», «Development of a methodology for determining weighted average concentrations of organic pollutants for monitoring the atmospheric air of the city of Almaty», «Development of "green" methods for the determination of pesticides in environmental objects based on vacuum solid-phase microextraction», «Effective development of methods for analyzing environmental objects based on vapor-phase and solid-phase microextraction using computer modeling».
6) international cooperation
Our university strives to become a world leader in action for sustainable development and provides for the expansion of international cooperation. The main scientific developments are aimed at uniting partner universities for a favorable solution to problems in the fields of sustainable development and ecology in the Central Asian region. Thus, a policy of quality education and a joint program of the Earth Institute of Columbia University (New York, USA) and KazNU - MDP/Global Classroom were developed, uniting 24 leading universities around the world. MDP/Global Classroom is a web-based course that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration and allows students and teachers from all over the world to participate in collective assignments and practical training. The university leads and actively participates in the international movement "Nevada-Semey" and participates in other international projects. We strive to ensure that the university becomes a world leader in the field of environmental sustainability, both academically and operationally. We have already started this work by developing a methodology to compare our academic contribution to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and we have extensive experience in research and teaching in the field of climate change, as well as involving the broad masses of students in this context. We have also already achieved ambitious operational goals to reduce the negative impact on the environment.
SDG policy to combat climate change
STRATEGY for achieving carbon neutrality and Sustainable Development 2035
Policy on the sustainable development of scientific research. UN programmes
Sustainable investment policy in the field of science
SDG 13: Combating climate change
1. Plasma-fuel systems for improving the performance of thermal power plants and pulverized coal boilers. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Thermophysics and Technical Physics of KazNU. Al-Farabi Vladimir Messerle invented a plasma fuel system (PTS) for efficient combustion of low-grade coal in thermal power plants and boiler houses. – Judge for yourself, – he says, – if you install PTS on all 240 pulverized coal boilers of Kazakhstan's thermal power plants, the economic effect of their use will reach more than 50 billion tenge per year. And this is not counting the environmental effect, which consists in a significant reduction in mechanical combustion of fuel and harmful emissions. The development is relevant, considering that in Kazakhstan almost all energy coals are low-grade. It is for this reason that today at thermal power plants up to 10-15% of coal does not burn, but flies out into the chimney and poisons the atmosphere. These are unburned carbon and flue gases with nitrogen and sulfur oxides, which, combining with water vapor in the atmosphere, fall to earth in the form of acid rain. The PTS just solves this problem with the help of a plasma torch, which heats up the air to 5-6 thousand. degrees, which allows you to ignite high-ash coal with a plasma torch even in a cold furnace. As a result, it burns almost completely. There will be no black smoke and soot, which can be observed at any power plant today, when using plasma torches. Harmful emissions will also decrease: nitrogen oxides – by 50%; sulfur oxides – by 30-40%. The advantage of plasma technology is also that with rapid ignition and more complete combustion of coal, the height of the boiler can be reduced by 25-30%, which will significantly reduce the metal consumption of power equipment. Supporting videos, documents above the figures: video presentation, PFS Kazakhstan Мессерле, coal processing project.
2. Plasma chemical processing of carbon-containing waste. Supervisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.B. Ustimenko. The peculiarity of the technologies is that the incoming raw materials are gamified in a plasma reactor or an inclined rotating gas generator reactor in the mode of super adiabatic gorenje with a lack of oxygen, obtaining a combustible generator gas, which can then be burned in various energy devices with high energy efficiency.. project about waste, presentation, video presentation of the project
3. Sensor for fire and gas safety Greenhouse Gas Emissions Project
Joint projects of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and
the Green Campus and Environmental Policy Center of Excellence
International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), Karachi, Pakistan |
Project title: "Development of the potential of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan, in the field of phytochemical development. Dates: 2016-2018 Financing organization: Islamic Development Bank. Performers: Prof. Abilov Zh.A. (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University), Prof. Muhammad Iqbal Chaudhary (University of Karachi). Co-executor: Karachi University (Pakistan) Project objectives: technical equipment of the research laboratory with special equipment, training of specialists, jointly organized seminars. |
Tehran University and the Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST) |
Project title: "Formation and characterization of new solar cell structures with a covering layer of silicon nanowires". Performers: Project Manager - Professor Ibrahim Suleimani, Tehran University, Tehran (Iran).Professor Moazami, IROST, Tehran (Iran). Dr. Musabek Gauhar, National Laboratory of Open-type Nanotechnology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Co-executors: Tehran University (Iran); Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), (Iran). Dates: 2017-2018. Funding amount: $20,000. The purpose of the project: production of laboratory samples of solar cells. |
SpaceX has launched Kazakhstan's Al-Farabi-2 nanosatellite The launch was successfully carried out from the spaceport on a Falcon 9 launch vehicle at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California (USA) on December 4, 2018. The 1U CubeSat nanosatellite weighing less than 1 kg was fully assembled at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Telemetry shows that at the moment the nanosatellite is operating normally, radio operators from all over the world are still receiving the signal. |
Seminar on “Land-hydrological processes in a changing climate: observation, modeling system and uncertainties” Organized by ICES and COMSATS with the support of MoST, China, took place on September 20-21, 2018. As a result of the training, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and IAP CAS prepared a joint project proposal on climate change. |
PhD-doctoral studies The Department of Biotechnology accepted Balush Huma for postgraduate studies in the specialty "6D070100-Biotechnology", Professor Dr. Bolakhan Zayada was appointed her local supervisor, and Professor Dr. Zihni Demirbag (Karadeniz Teknik University, Turkey) - her foreign supervisor. Currently, negotiations are underway with the representative of the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (TIB, CAS), Professor Jibin Song, regarding his candidacy for the position of a foreign scientific consultant for graduate students in the specialty "6D070100-Biotechnology". |
Within the framework of the agreement between Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the RADI Institute (China) The Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI) was established in KazNU. Active cooperation with the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences continues in order to promote and implement national initiatives in the field of science and education. More detailed |
On October 31, 2018, a pilot production of polyester resins was launched within the framework of the project “Creation of pilot production of polyester resins for special purposes” with the financial support of JSC "Scientific Foundation" and private partner “BASTE” LLP. It is planned to produce up to 200–300 tons of polyester resin per year.
Production of innovative designers of small spacecraft for educational institutions Project manager: Temirbaev A.
"Pilot production of acrylic paint with improved characteristics" Project Manager: D. Kaldybekov
Innovative industrial production of materials for complex sterilization Project manager: Kupchishin A. Polymer products |
iBox Advanced – Universal Virtual Device Agent Platform Project Manager: B. Daribayev |
Modernization of digital tourism: mobile applications, panoramic 3D tours, interactive maps and QR codes Project Manager: Ziyadin S. |
Cooperation in the field of cybersecurity between Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and COMSATS University Islamabad |
The purpose of cooperation: To solve the problems of cyberattacks and network hacking, CUI, together with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, plans to open a Cybersecurity Laboratory (Cybersecurity Lab), providing two master's degree programs that will be implemented on the territory of both campuses.
Cooperation between CUI and KazNU will be carried out on the following points:
Joint scientific activity with COMSATS centers
Participation in the second part of the ANSO-BIDI School online course on Sustainable Development (2021), November 17, 2021 – January 19, 2022.
- Rysmagambetova Aina (Рысмагамбетова Айна)
- Sytemgen Zhadyra (Сүтемген Жадыра)
- Oshakbai Aitu (Ошақбай Айту)
- Rakhyshova Balzia (Рахышева Балзия)
- Burlibayeva Shugyla (Бурлибаева Шұғыла)
- Danko Elena (Данько Елена)
- Augambaev Kayrat (Аугамбаев Кайрат)
- Zholdasbek Aknur (Жолдасбек Акнур)
- Kadirkulov Nurzat (Кадыркулов Нурзат)
- Solodova Elena (Солодова Елена)
Participation in the project competition "International Climate Initiative of the Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety of Germany".
- The theme of the project is "Climate Innovation Centers for a Green Global Future".
- Country/countries of implementation: Egypt; Palestinian Territories; Pakistan; Kazakhstan.
- Leading implementing organization: Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.
- Implementing Partner:
- Al-Quds University, Jerusalem, Palestine;
- Climate Research and Development Center (CCRD), Islamabad, Pakistan;
- Center of Excellence for Research and Applied Research on Climate Change and Sustainable Development - National Research Center. (C3SD-NRC)
- Scientific cooperation in the preparation of PhD doctoral students:
№ |
Full name of the doctoral student |
Department |
Domestic scientific consultant |
Foreign scientific consultant |
Тема диссертационной работы |
8D05204 – Meteorology, 2nd year | |||||
1 |
Rysalieva Laura Sergeevna |
Meteorology and Hydrology |
Salnikov Vitaly Grigorievich |
Zhaohui Lin International Center for Climate and Environmental Management. Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Характеристики атмосферных засух и их будущие проекции в Северном Казахстане // Солтүстік Қазақстан аумағындағы атмосфералық құрғақшылықтың сипаттамасы және олардың болашақ проекциялары // Characteristics of atmospheric droughts and their future projections in Northern Kazakhstan |
2 |
Mukhtar Duysenkulovich Stambekov |
Meteorology and Hydrology |
Polyakova Svetlana Evgenievna |
Zhaohui Lin International Center for Climate and Environmental Management. Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Опасные явления погоды в Западном Казахстане в условиях изменения климата // Климаттың өзгеруі жағдайында Батыс Қазақстан аумағындағы ауа райының қауіпті құбылыстары // Dangerous weather phenomena in Western Kazakhstan in the context of climate change |
Memorandum Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and Institute of Atmospheric Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences
Cooperation of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with COMSATS
December 2-3, 2021 at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, at the Department of geography and environmental sciences hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Global Challenges of the XXI Century and the Environment” (hereinafter – the Conference) dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the UNESCO Chair for Sustainable Development within the framework of the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. |
Contribution to space research |
At the beginning of the academic year in Turkestan, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, within the framework of a joint project with the Representative Office of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), held the opening ceremony of the UniSat educational Hub on space technologies. |
5th International Conference on Agriculture, Biotechnology and Food Security ISESCO-COMSATS-INIT The conference was organized by ISESCO, COMSATS and INIT, 3-7 November 2019 in Monastir, Tunisia. Dr. Bolathan Zayadan made a presentation on "The future of biofuels from algae and cyanobacretia" |
3rd TYAN International Thematic Seminar "Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Biotechnology" The workshop was organized by TWAS and TYAN, 3-7 November 2019. As a result of the training, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the University of Tunis, TYAN and the American University in Cairo discussed the future prospects of joint scientific work in the direction of modern biotechnology. |
CAS President’s International Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) Kossalbayev B. won a PIFI scholarship (October 14 to November 2, 2019) provided by the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology and the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). A memorandum of cooperation was signed between Al-Farabi Kazakh National University and the OIE for the exchange of students and visiting professors |
Metabolic Engineering International Conference 2019 During his stay at TIB, B. Kossalbayev took part in the International Conference on Metabolic Engineering 2019, organized by the International Society for Metabolic Engineering (IMES), which took place on October 20-22, 2019 in Tianjin, China.
18th Symposium "Aerosol and Climate Change: Observations, modeling and interaction" The congress was organized by ACCESS, CAS AP and WMO, July 15-17, 2019 in Beijing, China. Musralinova G. and Kerimray A. took part in the international conference and made presentations.
International Training Seminar on Atmospheric Aerosols: Observation, modeling and impact The workshop was organized by ACCESS and CAS AP, July 18-20, 2019. As a result of the training, representatives of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University: Musralinova G. and Kerimray A. learned about the creation of global awareness and cooperation on climate phenomena and received certificates.
4th International Conference on ”Agriculture, Food Security and Biotechnology" Organized by ISESCO and jointly with COMSATS, it took place on November 13-14, 2018 in Rabat, Morocco. A. Skakova made a presentation on “Agriculture in Kazakhstan in the context of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals” and moderated the agriculture section. |
8th International Seminar on "Internet Security: Strengthening information Exchange guarantees" Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems Ayman Beketova took part in a seminar organized by COMSATS, ISESCO and INIT, which took place on December 23-27, 2018 in Doha, Qatar. |
KAZNU AND THE CHINESE TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER ARE IMPLEMENTING JOINT PROJECTS The Treasury of the name Al-Farabi was visited by a delegation headed by Liu Hongzhi, Director of the Chinese Technology Transfer Center of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) member states. KazNU named after Al-Farabi is the UN Global Hub for Sustainable Development. The university holds a leading position on 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) among Kazakhstani universities included in the Times Higher Education University Impact Rankings 2023. Currently, a number of scientific projects are being implemented by the university in the field of SDGs, combating climate change, issues of water conservation, and initiatives within the framework of the "One Belt, One Road" project. A Center for Remote Sensing of the Earth has been opened at KazNU together with the Academy of Sciences of the People's Republic of China. More detailed: |
KAZNU AND ECUPL WILL JOINTLY IMPLEMENT LEGAL RESEARCH PROJECTS The guests visited the Center of Medicinal Plants, the Cluster of Engineering and High-Tech Technologies, the Center for Process Innovations, the Faculty of Law, the Center for Situational Management, and the KazNU Museum. The guests also got acquainted with the plan for the second stage of construction of the KazNU. The Vice-rector, noting the general areas of study of KazNU and ECUPL, stressed: "We can introduce double-degree education, jointly conduct research in the field of conservation and protection of ecology and natural resources, and implement legal scientific projects." The KazNU has a Confucius Institute, within which it is possible to conduct research in the field of Chinese law. There are anti-corruption programs and concepts. Lawyers in Kazakhstan work a lot in this field. This can be analyzed from a scientific point of view and achieve good results," said Vice-Rector L. Yerkinbayeva. More detailed: |
PROFESSION ENGINEER-METEOROLOGIST The only one in the Republic that trains meteorologists is the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. The Department of Meteorology was opened on September 1, 1962. The first head of the Department of Meteorology was Ph.D., Assoc. Kozhenkova Z.P. The first set of students in the specialty "meteorology" was made in 1960, and the first graduation of meteorological engineers took place in 1965. Due to the structural changes at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University since September 2011. A new department has been organized at the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management – the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology. It was formed on the basis of the merger of the departments of meteorology and hydrology. More detailed: |
Name of the event |
Dates |
Venue/form |
The 2nd International Training Course on Industrial Synthetic Biotechnology, organized jointly by the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology (TIB, PRC), COMSATS, the Alliance of International Scientific Organizations (ANSO); the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST-China), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) |
20-30.12.2021 |
Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, China |
The 2nd semester of the ANSO-BIDI School on the topic "Innovation, Sustainable Development and strengthening Leadership - 2021", organized by COMSATS, the Alliance of International Scientific Organizations (ANSO) and the Center for Environmental Economics of the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CEE-UCAS), China |
17.11.2021-19.01.2022 |
Online |
UNOSSC Webinar on Digital Government and Transformation: Exploring Innovations in South-South and Triangular Cooperation, organized by COMSATS |
2-5.11.2021 |
Online |
Seminar on "University Faculty Involvement for Youth Mental Health", organized by COMSATS and COMSATS Islamabad University (CUI), Pakistan |
14.10.2021 |
Islamabad University COMSATS, Pakistan |
Seminar "Technical Innovations in Traditional Plant Medicine", organized by the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology (TIB), China, on the platform of the COMSATS Center for Industrial Biotechnology (CCIB) |
13.10.2021 |
Online |
South-South cooperation: Creating pathways for inclusive post-pandemic recovery, organized by COMSATS |
21.09.2021 |
Online |
Session dedicated to the World Hepatitis Day 2021, organized by COMSATS on the COMSATS Tele-Health platform |
28.07.2021 |
Online |
Grand opening of the Belt & Road network of International Institutes for Innovative Development (ANSO-BIDI Network of Institutes), organized by the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), China |
07.07.2021 |
Online |
Conference "Restoring Ecosystems of the Global South", organized by the COMSATS Center for Climate and Sustainable Development (CCCS) |
07.06.2021 |
Online |
The 1st semester of the ANSO-BIDI School "Innovation, Sustainable Development and Leadership Enhancement – 2021", organized by COMSATS, the Alliance of International Scientific Organizations (ANSO) and the Center for Environmental Economics of the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CEE-UCAS), China |
12.05.-04.08.2021 |
Online |
Opening ceremony of the COMSATS Joint Industrial Biotechnology Center (CLIB), organized by COMSATS and Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology (TIB), China |
14.04.2021 |
Mixed (online/offline) |
8th session of the COMSATS lecture series "South-South and Trilateral Cooperation for the Socio-Economic Development of the Southern Regions" |
09.03.2021 |
Online |
International Women's Day on the theme: "Women Leaders: Achieving an equal future in the COVID-19 world", organized by COMSATS |
08.03.2021 |
Online |
7th session of the COMSATS lecture series on South-South and triangular cooperation for the benefit of socio-economic Southern regions |
23.02.2021 |
Online |
Seminar "2021 – International Year of Peace and Trust", organized by COMSATS |
19.02.2021 |
Islamabad, Pakistan |
Webinar on "Sustainable forest management and the problem of deforestation in the Global South" by the COMSATS Climate and Sustainable Development Center (CCCS) |
18.02.2021 |
Online |
6th session of the COMSATS lecture series "South-South and Trilateral Cooperation for the Socio-Economic Development of the Southern Regions" |
09.02.2021 |
Online |
5th session of the COMSATS lecture series "South-South and Trilateral Cooperation for the Socio-Economic Development of the Southern Regions" |
02.02.2021 |
Online |
Lecture "The use of radiation in the treatment of cancer", dedicated to World Cancer Day, organized by COMSATS |
02.02.2021 |
Online |
4th session of the COMSATS lecture series "South-South and Trilateral Cooperation for the Socio-Economic Development of the Southern Regions" |
26.01.2021 |
Online |
3rd session of the COMSATS lecture series "South-South and Trilateral Cooperation for the Socio-Economic Development of the Southern Regions" |
19.01.2021 |
Online |
Webinar on "Modeling and simulation of climate change and environmental pollution: increasing sustainability in the countries of the global South" |
12.01.2021 |
Online |
2nd session of the COMSATS lecture series "South-South and Trilateral Cooperation for the Socio-Economic Development of the Southern Regions" |
05.01.2021 |
Online |
“Views of the South on the global biodiversity conservation program for the period after 2020” |
05/2022 | Reports by Dr. Bazarbayeva T., Dr. Zubova A. from the Faculty of Geography |
“Industry 4.0 in the Developing World: Challenges, gaps and opportunities” |
08/2022 |
Reports by Dr. Rysmagambetova A., Dr. Zubova A. from the Faculty of Geography |
“South-South cooperation and climate diplomacy” |
09/2022 |
Report of the Doctor of the Faculty of Geography Esmagambetova A. |
"ANSO-BIDI School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Development and Leadership Development” |
2021-2022 |
The program was attended by 26 employees of the Faculty of Geography and the Higher School of Economics |
Minutes of 21st CC Meeting 2018
24.09.2018 KazNU letter - Climate Center №34-14-2993
The program of the visit to the Treasury of Hafiz Abdurrahman