Congratulations! The staff of the Biotechnology Department congratulates Ramza Zhainabekovna Berzhanova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, with the title of "The Best University Lecturer - 2020"Farabi University

Congratulations! The staff of the Biotechnology Department congratulates Ramza Zhainabekovna Berzhanova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, with the title of "The Best University Lecturer - 2020"

8 april, 2021

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan awarded the winners of the competition "THE BEST UNIVERSITY LECTURER - 2020". 623 applicants from 73 higher educational institutions of the republic, including our University, took part in the competition. 18 teachers of our university, became the owners "The Best University Lecturer-2020" title. The winners of the competition are given the opportunity to undergo a scientific internship at the world's leading universities in order to improve their qualifications.

Berzhanova Ramza Zhainabekovna - candidate of biological sciences (2006), associate professor (2021). R. Zh. Berzhanova’s more than 45 works have been published, of which 7 patents, 35 articles of which 6 scientific articles with an impact factor, indexed in Web of Science: "Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology" (impact factor 3.8, Q1), "International Journal Phytoremediation" ( impact factor 2.568, Q2). Articles are included in the first and second quartiles (Q21 - Q2) of the Web of Science database. Hirshi index 4. R.Zh. Berzhanova’s scientific and pedagogical experience is over 18 years.

Ramza Zhainabekovna collaborates with the Institute of Microbiology, Dr. Annette Mikolosh, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University, as well as Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Anna Yurievna Muratova, Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants and Microorganisms of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Saratov. Joint publications have been prepared in a foreign peer-reviewed scientific journal.

The department staff congratulates Berzhanova Ramza Zhainabekovna, holder of the grant "The Best University Lecturer" in 2020 for fruitful work and achievements in teaching, research and educational work and wishes creative success and further prosperity!

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