Development of the school model in Kazakhstan: from I. Altynsarin to the modern period

26 november, 2021

On November 29, 2021 at Al-Farabi KazNU at 10:00 will be held international scientific and methodological conference "Development of the school model in Kazakhstan: from I. Altynsarin to the modern period", devoted to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 180th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh teacher, educator I. Altynsarin.

Ibrai Altynsarin (1841-1889) - an outstanding Kazakh educator, writer, ethnographer, folklorist, public figure, who left a deep mark in the history of the enlightenment of the Kazakh people and the formation of the national school.

The educational orientation of I. Altynsarin was reflected in three areas of his pedagogical approach.

Firstly, he devoted his whole life to opening schools, publishing textbooks, attracting Kazakh children to education.

Secondly, he paid attention to the training of teacher-mentors and scientific and methodological guidance.

Thirdly, in his works he covered in detail the political social problems that took place in the social life of the Kazakh people of the 19th century.

The conference received about 100 articles from scientists, teachers and school teachers of Kazakhstan, Russia, Bashkiria and other countries. They will take part in the conference online.


The articles are divided into 6 sections:

1. Pedagogical ideas of I. Altynsarin: significance, continuity, development prospects

2. Models of a modern school: experience, ways of formation and prospects

3. School of Kazakhstan: the concept and practice of the educational system

4. Continuous professional development of teachers in the context of updating the content of the education system

5. Innovative and pedagogical technologies for training future specialists

6. Organization of educational work on the basis of a new school model through national values: past, present and future "


The conference will include master classes:

1. "Ethnopedagogical culture in the organization of educational work of teachers"

Moderator: S. S. Konyrbaeva - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Acting associate professor of Al-Farabi KazNU

2. "Methodological recommendations for drawing up a self-knowledge lesson plan"

Moderator: Izguttynova R.O. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer

at Al-Farabi KazNU

3. "Managing emotions"

Moderator: Sembaeva A.M. - candidate of pedagogical sciences, acting associate professor of Al-Farabi KazNU

All articles submitted to the conference are published in a special collection of 400 pages and will be sent in electronic version.

Organizers: Al-Farabi KazNU, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science , Department of Pedagogy and Education Management and I. Altynsarin National Academy of Education

Venue: Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, room 120

Platform: Zoom


ID: 236 349 8898

Code: 1234

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