The Week of Korean Studies has ended

1 april, 2022

The Week of Korean Studies ended with a special lecture by the Director of the Education Center of the Republic of Korea in Almaty, Mr. Kim Tae-hwan. Mr. Kim Tae-hwan gave a lecture for students of the Department of Korean Studies on the topic of cooperation and exchange programs in the field of education between KazNU. Al-Farabi and the Education Center of the Republic of Korea. After the lecture, students received answers to their questions about the process of studying in higher educational institutions in Korea and applying to the master's program under the GKS program. At the end of the event, director Kim Tae-hwan awarded the students who won prizes and winners of incentive prizes in the Korean language competition. Recall that the direct sponsor of the "Week of Korean Studies" is the educational center of the Republic of Korea in Almaty.