1 november, 2022

11/01/2022 Students of the faculty "High School of Economics and Business" and students of the department of "Management" of Al-Farabi KazNU took an active part in the forum "Almaty creative week", organized by the Akimat of Almaty, which will last until November 5th. More than 120 professionals from 9 different countries take part in this event and will share their personal experience in this forum, which has become one of the main events in the field of the creative industry. At the same time, topical issues of the development of cinema, music, theater, innovations and other areas were discussed. Various exhibitions, premieres, workshops and certified master classes were available to students.Students received a lot of useful information from the Almaty creative week forum, moreover, they saw that there is a creative environment for creative and innovative ideas.Advisors: Kukiev A.Zh., Taszharganov S.I., Unerbaeva R.U.