On the Day, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces an essay contest on the topic "Kazakhstan in my dream"

13 october, 2022

Kaznu essay.zhastar@gmail.com send by e-mail marked "Essay contest" by October 15, 2022 inclusive. Only one essay can be sent from one participant.Essay Requirements:- match the theme of the contest:- show the personal position of the author, original ideas and non-standard perspective of the essay topic;- demonstrate the author's ability to justify his opinion.Requirements for the design of the essay:The competition work can be performed in Kazakh, Russian or English.The work is in Word format, 1.0 spacing, Times New Roman font, 14 pins. The amount of work should not exceed 3 sheets. When using reasoned words, opinions of others, the source of the statement should be indicated in the comments.Requirements for the design of the title page of the essay:full name of the educational institution or organization; subject;information about the author: full name, course, group, contact phone number, email.Essays submitted later than October 15, 2022 will not be considered.