Meeting with foreign students

30 january, 2023

January 26, 2023 advisors of the department "Management" Professor Adambekova A.A., Associate Professor Sugirova G.S. and coordinator for work with foreign students Turebekova B.O. held an event with foreign students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of the training direction "Management". Meeting was dedicated on the orientation of students in the university environment.

During the meeting, the rights and obligations, the code of honor of university students were discussed, general academic recommendations were made to students. The information on the rules for regulating the stay in Kazakhstan of foreign citizens arriving to study in Kazakhstan, as well as the organization of medical insurance, aroused interest.

Sohrab Akrami, Faizi Atikulah are group leadersof students first and second years. They expressed their opinion on the issues discussed, shared their impressions of studying at Al-Farabi University and spoke about their career plans. The event aroused keen interest on the part of foreign students. A free, interested atmosphere reigned at the meeting. Proposals were made for further joint activities.