The Center for Human Resource Development in the Nuclear Industry trains instructors in three areas: Reactor Engineering, Nuclear/Radiological Emergency Preparedness, and Environmental Radioactivity Monitoring. In these courses, participants from Asian countries gain the necessary knowledge by listening to lectures by experts, performing exercises using various equipment and visiting nuclear facilities. Further, certified instructors conduct relevant courses in their own country, thereby spreading the acquired knowledge among compatriots. Since the accession of Kazakhstan in 2010 to this program, nine employees of al-Farabi KazNU completed the courses.
During the meeting, issues of further cooperation were discussed within the framework of the annual courses "Environment radioactivity monitoring" for students, undergraduates and doctoral students of the Faculty of Chemistry, as well as workers in the nuclear industry. The course program includes basic knowledge in the field of nuclear physics, nuclear energy, radiochemistry and radioecology. The lecturers of the course are certified participants in the instructor training courses held in Japan, employees of the Laboratory of Radiation Ecology named after. M. Sklodovskoy-Curie of the Department of General and Inorganic Chemistry Nazarkulova Sh.N., Matveeva I.V., Satybaldiev B.S., Yarovaya E.Yu., Nursapina N.A., Abishev T.B., lecturer of the Faculty of Physics and Technology Kenzhina I.E., as well as invited experts from Japan.