“Macroeconomic Prospects for Kazakhstan: How to Diversify the Portfolio by Sector?” Lecture by the ex-chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan Damitov Kadyrzhan Kabdoshevich

20 march, 2023

The lecture by the ex-Chairman of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan Damitov Kadyrzhan Kabdoshevich was held in the format of "coteaching", organized by the Department of Economics of the Higher School of Economics and Business.  Lecture "Macroeconomic prospects of Kazakhstan: how to diversify the portfolio between sectors?"  questions included.  Target audience of the lecture: 1st year students of the Master's program of the Faculty of Economics.

  During the lecture, K. K. Damitov considered the current financial situation of the country and the main reasons for the growing crisis in the world.  In addition, he shared real cases from his experience of how he overcame financial changes and reforms, the sudden change of the National Bank system when Kazakhstan did not gain independence and the National Bank system after the introduction of our national currency in 1993.  He explained to the undergraduates that great success can be achieved through education, research and all-roundness, setting the financial issues of the country, the financial diversification of the bank.  During the lecture, Kadyrzhan Kabdoshevich considered the diversification of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the balance of the country at the macroeconomic level, the advantages and disadvantages of diversification at the microeconomic level, and presented his expert conclusions.  One of the issues discussed is the drop in bank stocks around the world due to the collapse of the banks of Silicon Valley Bank, which is unfolding on a global scale.  He first looked at why the problem arose by brainstorming it with the audience.  As a result of the analysis, it was also indicated that the fall in the shares of this bank could harm our country.  According to the expert, he managed to convey that this will not directly affect our country, if it does not have an indirect negative impact.

 Summing up our impression from the last lecture, in order to become an excellent, competitive specialist, in addition to the knowledge gained at the university, one should increase interest, engage in additional research, not look at questions abstractly, but open up completely.  and study, find out the exact meaning of each term, and relate the terms to each other.  In most cases, young specialists misunderstand the question and try to give a general answer, and one of Kadyrzhan Kabdoshevich's recommendations to listeners is to learn to look at the background of each question and study it comprehensively.