Alternative energy issues were discussed with a delegation of French universities

10 may, 2023

     An international conference "Renewable Energy Sources: Skills and Knowledge of the Energy Transition in France and Kazakhstan" was held at the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with the participation of French delegation.

     The conference was attended by Dean of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Abdibekov U. S., Deputy Dean for Scientific and Innovative Work and International Cooperation Doszhan N.S., teaching staff, doctoral students and undergraduates of the faculty.


     Next, French Consul General Fabrice Neveu, Central Asia Vice President of Total Eren Thierry Plaisant and other members of the delegation, scientists shared their experience in the field of renewable energy sources of the two countries and expressed their suggestions.


     The work of the conference continued with breakout sessions "Alternative Energy as a New Scientific and Industrial Challenge in France and Kazakhstan", "Adaptation of Training to the New Needs of Specialists in the Field of Energy".

     At the breakout session, Professor of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics Kaltaev A. "French - Kazakh Centre "Geo–Energies" for double-degree Master Energy", Deputy Dean for Research and Innovation and International Cooperation, senior lecturer Doszhan N.S. made a report on "Features in PhD education in Kazakhstan: experience and sustainable development".